The Misfit Book

The Misfit Book

Possibly magical, possibly cursed. Probably tired.

site in progress blinkie

I am building this site line by line with no coding expertise please bear with me.

spinning cd spinning old computer record spinning on player

Home of wailing women and the politically charged. I love punk music! I love queers! I love diy!

also a big fan of fish so theres gonna be a fish corner somewhere

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About the website owner.

Hello, I'm Moony and I run this tiny corner of the web. I've been going a bit crazy without learning something new in a while so I figured I'd give coding a go. I'm a strong supporter of internet archiving and and hate the capitalist sludge that's engulfed most places on the web these days. You can take your ads / trackers / censorship and shove them up your ass!

I'm from the uk and love going to gigs when I can. Especially to small locals, I'm not much of an arena rocker. My favourite genre is punk (hardcore, riot grrrl, queer, and horror punk), but I like metal (og, nu, thrash, industrial), goth (post-punk, deathrock), and classic rock too. I grew up on emo and my chemical romance is a big special interest of mine.

Another special interest is marine animals! Especially cephalopods and sharks. Can't get enough of those guys! I will be sharing cool information and media I find on them over in fishy corner.

I'm disabled and work from home when I can, Hoping to do my biology degree online soon. I read a fuck tonne. I love playing dungeons and dragons with my friends, watching fantasy shows, playing guitar, spending time with my girlfriend, doing crafts, and listening to music.


NAME: Moony
AGE: 22
PRONOUNS: They/them

lesbian pumpkin blinkie evil autism blinkie blue night owl blinkie math nerd blinkie book worm blinkie

Favourite media:


BOOKS: dracula, pride and prejudice, sherlock holmes, piranesi, the invisible life of addie larue, the house in the cerulean sea, the watchmaker of filigree street, a natural history of dragons, gideon the ninth, one last stop, into the drowning deep, on a sunbeam, lord of the rings, dragonriders of pern, the perks of being a wallflower, twilight, shadowhunters, monarchs of the sea: the extraordinary 500-million-year history of cephalopods, biomimicry: innovation inspired by nature


TV SHOWS: buffy the vampire slayer, our flag means death, bbc ghosts, bbc merlin, doctor who, supernatural, what we do in the shadows, good omens.

film roll

MOVIES: carrie, ginger snaps, scream, rocky horror show, twilight, lord of the rings, x-men, spider-man, elvira, labyrinth, the lost boys, jurassic park.